DreamWorks Animation
Following the events of Trollhunters and 3Below, Hisirdoux ” Douxie” Casperan – who has secretly been the apprentice of Merlin for nine centuries – must recruit the Guardians of Arcadia to travel back in time to the 12th-century’s Camelot. During the journey, the heroes learn why the amulet was built, how Morgana became the Pale Lady, and what events lead up to the Battle of Killahead Bridge.
When Jim Lake Jr. finds the Amulet of Daylight under a canal from the remains of Kanjigar the Courageous, he will embark on an adventure of a lifetime protecting Arcadia from villains like Bular with the help of his human friends Toby and Claire, and his troll friends, Blinky, Arrrgh, and Draal.
Two royal extraterrestrial siblings, Princess Aja and Prince Krel of House Tarron, their doglike pet named Luug, and their bodyguard, Varvatos Vex, escape from their home planet of Akiridion-5 and crash-land on Earth, specifically in the city of Arcadia Oaks, California.